Service Fees

Service Amount
Balance inquiry by phone or mail  $2
Balance of account transfer to another financial institution (excluding registered funds) $25
Bank confirmation $25
Bill payment trace $25
Certified cheques (member) $6.50
Drafts $8.50
Dormant account fee (>$50) $12/year
Letter of guarantee $25
NSF returned $45
Overdraft notification $10 $10
Records search (min charge of $5) $25/hour
Safety deposit box annual rental - Small  $35 + GST
Safety deposit box annual rental - Medium $40 + GST
Safety deposit box annual rental - Large $60 + GST
Safety deposit box annual rental - X-Large $125 + GST
Safety deposit lost key $5.50 + cost of key
Safety deposit box - drill box/door replacement $125
Skip payment $25
Statement (branch print out) $5
Stop payment $10
Wire fee - incoming wire fee $20
Wire traces  $25
Wires - sent in foreign currency  $50
Wires to Saskatchewan Credit Unions $8
Wires to non-Saskatchewan Credit Unions (excluding Quebec) $15
Wires to other Canadian financial institutions $30
Wires to US financial institution in Canadian funds $30
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