The Achieve Scholarship Program

Prairie Centre Credit Union is always looking for ways to support the young people in our communities.  Each year, we invite Grade 12 students to put on their thinking caps and help us come up with ideas on how we can better meet the financial needs of youths. Better still, we've awarded up to $14,500 each year as our way of saying ‘thanks.’ In return for your creative thinking, two scholarships of up to $3,500 are awarded, along with up to 15 additional $500 scholarships.

The Achieve program is all about investing in ideas to help shape the way we do business with our youth in exchange for an investment in their education. Together, we can Achieve great things!

The deadline for applications was May 1, 2024. Applications are no longer being accepted for 2024. Please check back for winners in late June.

$3,500 Scholarship Winners

Amaris Manning
Maria Pia Sol

$500 Scholarship Winners

Leresa Friesen
Liyana Hayat
Maddy Anderson
Mathew Morris
Nicole Wall
Oluwasemilore Igbekoyi
Reese Legge
Riece Funk
Yancy Mangulabnan

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